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Mette Lethan is born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark and has been a professional singer since she left school.

In 2005 she moved to Chicago and New York for half a year to further hone her songwriting craft.

Following the path of her great-great-grandmother, Chicago was sort of final homecoming for her, and ever since 2005 Mette has traveled regularly between Copenhagen and Chicago to write, sing and live her two lives side-by-side.

Traveling between these two very different worlds, each with its own joys and sorrows, inspire Mette to view and describe life from constantly changing and nuanced perspectives.

With an honest and inviting voice, Mette sings her songs with stories being turned and twisted thru new insights into human existence.

In spring 2009 Mette visited not only the Mid West, but this time also the amazing nature of Navajo and Hopi land in the American Southwest. Once again in the footsteps of her great-great-grandmother.

2010 and 2011 brought her back to Chicago and during Summer 2012 she will be back in her beloved
"other hometown".

Mettes travel experiences will serve as a continuing songwriting fodder for what will become her first solo album.

Music is fantastic when you can drift away in your thoughts because of the sound visual being made...
B. Barup, Concert Listener
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